Figuring Worlds of Progress
Or, how to trace the violence of disavowal
Manchester School of Architecture, UK 2024

I discussed architecture through entangled relationships between technical objects, spaces of inhabitation, and architectural character with students of the BA2 Humanities at the Manchester School of Architecture. I thank Dr Demetra Kourri for inviting me and all the students for their curiosity and questions.

At a time of questionable ethics around violence, the talk, titled Figuring World of Progress: Or, how to trace the violence of disavowal, paused the question: How can the architectural become a conceptual framework to study the privileging of some bodies and the disavowal of some environments in planetary networks of atmospheric associations?


Account 1: The body, the horizontal, and the rotating cab
Account 2: The room, the terrain, and the suspension
Account 3: The strip, the catapult, and the jet engine

Guiding Questions:


  • How can the architectural become a conceptual framework to study the privileging of some bodies and the disavowal of some environments in planetary networks of atmospheric associations?
  • How can the architectural, as a diagram of cosmic relations, be mapped to differentiate these privileged-disavowed body-environment associations?
  • Where should we conduct fieldwork and trace the architectural as body-environment associations within and beyond the figure of the stationary building?

Account 1: The body, the horizontal, and the rotating cab (sketches: Fadi Shayya, 2017 & 2022)